Drying natural flowers

Drying natural flowers : In this article, we have introduced a variety of methods for drying natural flowers and bouquets, simple methods that can be done at home, some methods have a special trick and if someone started without knowing the rules The result is a collection of intertwined and badly colored flowers and plants that keeping them in the house does not makes no appeal!

Drying natural flowers

Drying natural flowers

Has it ever occurred to you that you received a bouquet or even a bouquet of flowers as a gift from someone and it is very special and valuable to you that you want to keep it in its original form for a long time?

For example, if you keep wedding bouquet, flower box, beautiful rose branches that you received as a birthday gift, or a bouquet that a friend brought you as a gift, then these memorable flowers can be counted as a beautiful decoration. If you try to learn this in a few simple ways, you will no longer have to throw away your favorite bouquets. So stay with us until the end of the training…

Drying natural flowers

You definitely do not need to keep the dried flowers in the same shape as before, you can use these dried flowers to make all kinds of beautiful decorative items and decorations to your taste and even give gifts to others.

What are the best flowers to dry ?

While roses ( dried rose buds ) and damask rosedamask rose flower specifications ) are the most popular flowers for drying, other types of flowers that are suitable for drying are :

Introducing various methods of drying natural flowers

Learn some simple and easy ways to dry natural flowers.

  • Method of pressing the flowers

The press machine consists of two chipboard plates that have holes on 4 sides that are fastened together with bolts and nuts. In the pressing method, we first place the bouquets next to the newspaper. Then we put them between the two plates of the press machine and tighten the screw so that the bouquets are completely pressed and dry.

Place the flowers between the newspaper so that the shape does not distort and the part on the flower is facing down. It is better not to dry the marigold and chrysanthemum flowers by pressing, but to dry them on the box in the alfresco so that their heads are high.

Flowers such as Transvaal daisy, violets, miniature chrysanthemum, marguerite daisy as well as flowers and leaves that are lower in height and depth, can be dried by pressing. When picking a flower, press the middle with your hand to prepare it for pressing. If a press is not available, a number of heavy books can be used for this purpose.

Many plants can be dried with hygroscopic chemicals. Especially sensitive plants such as orchids and lilies that dry better in chemicals.


The materials used to dry the flowers are :

  • silica gel
  • borax
  • salt
  • boric acid
  • alum
  • corn flour
  • sand

The lightest and most suitable chemical is borax, which is used for works of art and drying flowers, which is available in pharmacies. Of course, silica gel can also be bought at the pharmacy.

  • How to dry the bouquet by borax

First, pour some of the material into a container and place the flower gently on it. Then sprinkle some borax on the bouquet and shake the container from time to time so that the borax completely covers all the petals.

Drying natural flowers by borax

If it is sticky, mix a little corn flour with it to prevent the ingredients from sticking to the mud.

  • How to dry flowers in the microwave

If you dry the flowers in the microwave, you will save a lot of time because you will no longer need one to two weeks to press or dry the flowers naturally. Just do it with the necessary care and patience.

Equipment needed to dry flowers in the microwave :

  • tissue paper
  • absorbent paper
  • Favorite flowers and leaves
  • Heavy and wide microwave dish
  1. Place three or four layers of tissue papers on the microwave tray. If you do not have a tray, you can also use the flat surface of the microwave. Place tissue papers on absorbent papers. If the flowers are large and lush, use more tissue papers.
  2. Carefully place the flowers on a tissue papers. Make sure the flowers do not come in contact with each other.
  3. Cover the flowers with another layer of tissue papers and put several layers of tissue papers on it. Here, too, if you think the flowers are large or lush, use more tissue papers.
  4. Put the flowers and absorbent paper in the microwave and put a container or a door on the flowers to flatten.
  5. Put the microwave on medium heat for 3-4 minutes. If the flowers are dark, put it on a lower temperature. Check the flowers every minute. Put the leaves and flowers that have moved. Also check their humidity. The flowers should be dry. The tissue papers may still be slightly damp. 3 or 4 minutes is enough time to dry. However, this time also depends on the type of flowers. Larger flowers take longer to dry.
  6. Do not put the flowers in the microwave on for a long time. After drying, leave the flowers in the machine for a few minutes.
  • How to dry the bouquet with sand

Beach sand can be used to dry flowers. First, wash the sand to thoroughly clean it. Then we lay the bouquets in the sand. Care must be taken that there are no large pebbles in the sand so as not to damage the petals of the bouquet.

  • Learning to dry flowers with chemicals such as silica gel

Silica gel is a chemical that is a high quality blue sky. This substance turns pink when it absorbs moisture. But it can be used again. For this purpose, we put it in a gas oven to dry and turn blue again. By dipping torrent paper in silica gel, we find out if the silica is moist or not. If it is wet, the color of the litmus paper will change. Note that any drying chemicals can be reused after each use.

Silica gel completely removes moisture from the bouquet and prevents the flower from absorbing moisture after that. The silica gel grains are a little coarse and should be crushed by a grinder or other means and sprinkled on the bouquet with a tea strainer so that the large silica gel grains do not sink into the petals.

Usually the height of the flower branch that we dry in chemicals should be 2 to 2.5 cm. It will dry in the same way as we put the bouquet in the ingredients. We usually use chemicals to dry sensitive flowers such as lilies, anthuriums, so that the appearance of the flowers does not change.

  • How to press a bouquet with a book

When a special press machine is not available to us, we use heavy books to dry the flowers. By placing the bouquets on a piece of paper with a newspaper and placing them between the pages of the bottom book. Then we place a brick or Ironing machine or any heavy tool on the books.

Of course, notice that we use a newspaper with a black print, and a newspaper with a color print is not suitable for this purpose and does not absorb moisture. We try to press the middle of the slightly raised flowers with our finger until they are completely asleep.

In the first days, we visit the flowers once every 12 hours and, if possible, change their newspapers to dry them faster. The drying time of flowers in this method is 10 to 12 days. This method is suitable for drying all kinds of leaves, violets, Transvaal daisy and Chrysanthemums and miniatures.

  • Drying the bouquet in a solution of glycerin and hot water

For clustered fruits such as grapes and eucalyptus branches, this method is used by mixing one part glycerin with two parts water ( first dissolving some salt in hot water ) and dipping the branches in it.

When the leaves have some moisture, we notice that they have reached enough glycerin and dried it. Using this method, the leaves retain their softness and tenderness. Roses, sasanqua camellias and clustered fruits are dried in this way.

  • Drying natural flowers by Ironing machine

To dry the bouquets faster, we can use the launder method. Place the flower in a tissue paper and place a few newspapers under and over it, then dry them with a launder. But this method is not very suitable for drying bouquets because the color of the flower changes a bit in this method.

  • Hang a simple method of drying natural flowers

One of the best and safest ways to dry natural flowers such as roses and damask roses and wedding bouquets is to hang flowers. If you have a bouquet, it is very easy to do this, but if the flowers are branches, be sure to cut them and hang them as a bouquet, although not so large and heavy, in the opposite way, ie from the branch.

If the stems of the flowers are thin, use dental floss to tie the stems together, and if the stems are thick and thick, it is better to use a spool of thread or wire. Hang the bouquet on a nail from the wall and sprinkle a little taffeta on them if desired.

This method of drying the flowers may take several weeks and during this process some of the flower leaves will fall off. But if you want to put the dried flowers in a pot later, the best way to dry the flowers is to hang them upside down. Some also use the hair spray to dry natural flowers in this hanging method. To do this, hair spray the petals before hanging them.

Drying natural flowers by hanging

  • Drying natural flowers with hair spray

Be sure to pick the flowers as buds before they are fully open. Peel the leaves, wrap the flowers in buns by wrapping a cloth or rubber band around the stems. Hair spray the flowers and finally the flowers into heads. And for four weeks, hang it in a dry, dark place.

Drying natural flowers with hair spray

How to dry a damask rose buds ?

One of the old ways to do this is to thread the buds. After collecting the buds, first wash them with cold water without damaging them. Then pass a needle through the stem of the bud. Try to hang flowers to dry where there is shade and air.

Make sure the buds do not touch the ground. Also, the air flow over the petals causes it to dry faster. You can dry the flowers in the sun, but it retains more of the scent of dried flowers.

Frequently Asked Questions About Drying Flowers

  • What can we do to preserve both the color of the flower and the flower to dry?

For best color, trim the flowers before they are fully open. Then tie them with a string and hang them upside down in a dry, dark place. You will get the best color storage from dark places. Because light can blur colors white. Blue and yellow flowers retain a lot of color when dried.

  • How to dry flowers at home?

Find a dark, dry area with good airstream, such as an unused attic or closet. Using a thread, fasten the lower part of the flower stem to a hanger so that it hangs upside down and dries. Leave the flowers for two to three weeks to dry completely.

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