ed willow branches of iran : Merged
Best Red Willow Stems Of Iran

Mahalat red willow branches

The unique brilliant red branches.

They are 85 to 210cm in length and are sold according to 4 grade of length (short, economic, standard, & Tall) they are very durable and could be kept in room condition for 40 days.

Price is very reasonable

Red willow is very felixable as you could wrap it around your arm.
Red willow is suitable to be used in bouquets and as fillers in flower arrangments.
Popular in europe and in far east.
Normaly packages contains of 10 bunches of red willows each of which has 10 stems

We could supply 10000 stems per week in season

The stocks are exported to Japan, the Netherlands and Taiwan,

iran red willow supplier
Iran red willow Wholesale

Persian red willow
some other pictures

persian red willow

Iran red willow

red willow branches

Persian red willow

red willow stems

Categories: Red Willow


William Kunin · January 3, 2021 at 6:07 pm

Is it possible to buy your willow in the UK? Or could it be sent from the Netherelands or indeed directly from Iran?

    behnam · June 26, 2021 at 12:12 pm

    Hello Dear
    yes we can send to both countries (UK and Netherlands) directly
    for more information, contact with us through email

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